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Another New Planet 2000!

Orcus, minor planet #90482, is pretty big. With a diameter of 995 miles, it's 1-1/2 times the size of Ixion. It, too, was discovered by a team of astrologers including M. Brown, C. Trujillo and D. Rabinowitz, on February 17, 2004. At that time it was provisionally called 2004 DW. The official announcement to the world occurred November 22, 2004.

It appears to travel an elliptical orbit around the Sun, bringing it as close as 2.7 billion miles from the Sun and sending it as far out as 4.7 billion miles from the Sun.

One Orcus orbit is 247.94 years.

Since it shares a similar size and orbit to that of Pluto, it was decided that it, too must be named after a deity of the underworld. In accordance with IAU rules, the discoverers' suggested name of Orcus was approved and published November 22, 2004.

In Roman mythology, Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths, more equivalent to Pluto than to the Greek Hades. The origins of Orcus may have lain in Etruscan religion. Orcus was a name used by Roman writers to identify a Gaulish god of the underworld.

In modern day mythology, it is a popular name for providing an instant "demonic" atmosphere. This is in good part because Orcus' name is the origin of the words "orca" and "orc"; the latter popularized by J.R.R. Tolkien in his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The former designates not only the killer whale but also a monster in Ariosto's Orlando furioso.

Orcus also appears as the Lord of Demons in Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East series (the precursor to his more popular Book of Swords/Book of Lost Swords series), in which magic has replaced technology as the dominant force in the world, and what technology remains has often been transformed into something more than it once was.

In Dungeons & Dragons, Orcus is a demon prince, and lord of the undead. Killed after a string of successful wars with Graz'zt and Demogorgon, he was restored as the undead demon Teneborous by Quah-Nomag the Skull King, one of his most devout followers. Rising against his murderers, Orcus reclaimed his layer of Hell Thanatos and his original name, proclaiming himself 'Prince of the Undead'. In this context, he typically is shown as having the head and legs of a ram, a bloated body, bat-like wings and a long tail.

When Orcus was discovered, it was at 24 Leo 53 R.
The announcement to the world was made when it was at 26 Leo 58.

Sandy Turnbull designed the Orcus symbol that is on the left. She writes, "Derived from a little-used glyph for Pluto to represent the staff of Orcus, Prince of the Underworld.

Here is an ephemeris for 2005-2006, twice monthly, at 0 hrs UT:

Date Longitude Latitude
Jan 1 2005 26 LE 43'38" 17 s 45
Jan 16 2005 26 LE 30'28" 17 s 49
Jan 31 2005 26 LE 14'31" 17 s 52
Feb 15 2005 25 LE 57'07" 17 s 53
Mar 2 2005 25 LE 39'43" 17 s 53
Mar 17 2005 25 LE 23'46" 17 s 51
Apr 1 2005 25 LE 10'32" 17 s 48
Apr 16 2005 25 LE 01'03" 17 s 44
May 1 2005 24 LE 56'02" 17 s 39
May 16 2005 24 LE 55'51" 17 s 34
May 31 2005 25 LE 00'33" 17 s 29
Jun 15 2005 25 LE 09'52" 17 s 25
Jun 30 2005 25 LE 23'18" 17 s 21
Jul 15 2005 25 LE 40'08" 17 s 18
Jul 30 2005 25 LE 59'28" 17 s 16
Aug 14 2005 26 LE 20'18" 17 s 15
Aug 29 2005 26 LE 41'33" 17 s 16
Sep 13 2005 27 LE 02'06" 17 s 18
Sep 28 2005 27 LE 20'50" 17 s 21
Oct 13 2005 27 LE 36'42" 17 s 25
Oct 28 2005 27 LE 48'47" 17 s 31
Nov 12 2005 27 LE 56'22" 17 s 36
Nov 27 2005 27 LE 58'58" 17 s 43
Dec 12 2005 27 LE 56'27" 17 s 49
Dec 27 2005 27 LE 49'04" 17 s 54
Jan 11 2006 27 LE 37'24" 17 s 59
Jan 26 2006 27 LE 22'28" 18 s 02
Feb 10 2006 27 LE 05'30" 18 s 04
Feb 25 2006 26 LE 47'56" 18 s 04
Mar 12 2006 26 LE 31'13" 18 s 03
Mar 27 2006 26 LE 16'42" 18 s 01
Apr 11 2006 26 LE 05'33" 17 s 57
Apr 26 2006 25 LE 58'35" 17 s 52
May 11 2006 25 LE 56'21" 17 s 47
May 26 2006 25 LE 59'01" 17 s 42
Jun 10 2006 26 LE 06'27" 17 s 37
Jun 25 2006 26 LE 18'14" 17 s 33
Jul 10 2006 26 LE 33'44" 17 s 30
Jul 25 2006 26 LE 52'08" 17 s 27
Aug 9 2006 27 LE 12'28" 17 s 26
Aug 24 2006 27 LE 33'40" 17 s 26
Sep 8 2006 27 LE 54'39" 17 s 27
Sep 23 2006 28 LE 14'16" 17 s 30
Oct 8 2006 28 LE 31'27" 17 s 34
Oct 23 2006 28 LE 45'13" 17 s 39
Nov 7 2006 28 LE 54'45" 17 s 45
Nov 22 2006 28 LE 59'29" 17 s 51
Dec 7 2006 28 LE 59'05" 17 s 57
Dec 22 2006 28 LE 53'41" 18 s 03